While his henchmen were livid, Jabba had taken a liking to the spindly creature which had stolen onto his ship, and was almost delirious with laughter at the events which Crumb had caused. Covered in the green goo, Kwerve attempted to fire his sidearm at Crumb, though the goo had interfered with the weapon's internal workings, and all it did was fire more goo onto Fortuna. The two majordomos were preoccupied with their argument to notice that Crumb was perched just above them the mischievous monkey-lizard dropped the bowl, filled with a green, goo-like substance, directly onto the two's heads. With the bowl sitting precariously on his head, Crumb darted and lunged from rafter to rafter, until Jabba's two henchmen, Bidlo Kwerve and Bib Fortuna, entered the room, arguing about something, as was the norm. Enraged, the Hutt attempted to swallow Salacious whole, though the little monkey-lizard was far too quick for him, and swiftly evaded his every move. Crumb helped himself to some of Jabba's delicacies, though it was not long before the Hutt crimelord returned, furious to find another being sitting playfully in his feeding bowl. While Jabba was absent attending to business, Crumb sneaked aboard his ship, hiding in the Hutt's lavish chambers.

Jabba was on one of his rare excursions offworld, accompanied by his two most prominent henchmen, Bidlo Kwerve and Bib Fortuna he had to settle an important debt on Kwenn space station. Īlthough Crumb was unaware at the time, the ship belonged to Jabba Desilijic Tiure, an extremely wealthy and powerful Hutt crime lord who operated out of Tatooine. Crumb managed to evade them for a time, though eventually, with the pursuers hot on his tail, Crumb was forced to take refuge in a vessel which had stopped at Kwenn station. He was, however, a nuisance to those who maintained the station, and eventually they could no longer put up with this parasite, and employed Mantilorrian rat-catchers to hunt him down.

There, Crumb was treated as lowly vermin, though in truth he was very intelligent. He somehow managed to wind up on Kwenn Space Station, located on the border of the Mid Rim and Outer Rim. Salacious Crumb was born on the planet Kowak, and was the cousin of Gibberous Crumb. He died in 4 ABY, when Jabba's sail barge exploded over the Great Pit of Carkoon. For over a dozen years he lived in Jabba's Palace, playing many tricks and practical jokes on some of the palace's regulars, and becoming one of the most disliked members of Jabba's court.

However, if he failed to do so, he would be killed. Jabba found this extremely amusing, and offered Crumb a role as his court jester if Salacious managed to amuse Jabba at least once a day, he would be allowed to eat and drink as much as he wished. When Jabba found Crumb eating from his food bowl, he attempted to digest him, though the Kowakian monkey-lizard escaped, covering Jabba's two henchmen with goo in the process. Known for his shrill laugh and sadistic sense of humor, Crumb started out as little more than vermin on Kwenn Space Station during the days of the Galactic Republic, eventually escaping onto a ship belonging to Jabba the Hutt. Crumb was a Kowakian monkey-lizard employed as a court jester for Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. « No one closer to Bloated One! No one ! All day, every day, Hutt say 'Crumb, Salacious Crumb,' he say, 'Salacious Crumb, make me laugh now or I eat you!'» ―Salacious Crumb, describing his employment